East Central Solid Waste Commission
Commission’s Office – Mora, MN
June 10, 2019
The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on June 10, 2019 at the Commission Office, Mora, MN. Chairman Greene called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Members present at the meeting included: Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Kanabec County Commissioner Dennis McNally, Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan, Isanti County Commissioner Dave Oslund and Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson.
Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.
Others also present at the meeting included: Bruce Rehwaldt of Foth Companies, Lisa Thibodeau of Chisago County, Gene Kramer and Dick Roesler of Arthur Township, Stu Johnson and Gerrald Nohner of ECSWC, V.J. Polkus of Ziegler/CAT and Barbara Wilder, Recording Secretary.
All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Agenda, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner Oslund moved to approve the Meeting Minutes May 13, 2019 second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, and the Additional Claims List, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor of paying the Claims List ($48,201.89), the Paid Claims List ($260,485.89), and the Additional Claims List ($95,373.33), all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on Thomas Sno Sports on the Paid Claims. Was the bearing wheel for the ATV just the bearing?
Gerrald Nohner responded that it was just the bearing. Jon LaFleur did the installation.
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on MN Counties Insurance Trust on the Claims List. Why separate insurance on Caterpillar and pick up broom?
Director Troupe responded that these were purchased after the annual insurance was already paid.
Bruce Rehwaldt reported that the Flare and Blowers are here. The piping will start to be worked on this week. Everything should be up and running by next Board Meeting.
Director Troupe reported that at the last meeting it was requested that she provide an operational chart and job descriptions. She presented the Board with a future organizational chart and job descriptions. The Commissioners will check with their Counties to get comparables and bring back to the next meeting.
V.J. Polkus presented information on the appraisals on the used D6R and 816. He will contact Director Troupe with quotes for a new skid steer.
Director Troupe reported for the month ended April 30, 2019 ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $128,615.14. On a cash flow basis for the month of April there is an decrease in cash of $41,109.35. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $2,646,430.96.
Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency, and host facility fund total $3,401,672.22.
The funds are invested as follows:
The money market checking account at First Citizens National Bank earn .55%, the CDs earn 2.0%.
Tonnage has increased 5,669.44 tons year-to-date over 2018 or 15%.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the April 2019 Financial Statement, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Director Troupe reported in this case we are talking about waste that is delivered to either the Cambridge Transfer Station or the Hinckley Transfer Station.
The current rates for garbage are low enough that contractors are bringing in all their construction and demolition debris that is ending up in the landfill. She is suggesting raising the rate on non-contract demo at the Transfer Stations only, not the landfill starting July 1, 2019. Information would be handed out in advance.
Commissioner Peterson moved to raise the non-contract demolition rate for the Transfer Stations to $100.00 per ton, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Walking Floor Trailer
Director Troupe reported that the Budget included and additional Walking Floor Trailer for $81,000.00. This trailer is needed now. Wilkens has one available for $80,755.64, which includes tax and license.
Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the purchase of the Walking Floor Trailer from Wilkens in the amount of $80,755.64, second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Trailer for Hauling
Director Troupe received some quotes on trailers for hauling equipment to and from the Transfer Stations and Landfill.
V.J. Polkus will get additional quotes for trailers and bring back to Janelle.
Containers for Convenience Center
Director Troupe reported that the convenience containers in Cambridge need to be replaced. She received a quote for 8 new containers from Protainer in the amount of $40,622.11 includes tax, and a quote from Waste Quip in the amount of $40,064.75 includes tax.
Commissioner Peterson moved to purchase 8 new convenience containers from Protainer in the amount of $40,622.11, second by Commissioner McNally, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Transfer Station Permits
Director Troupe reported that she submitted two permits for the transfer stations with very few changes. The plan is to haul the yard waste to Mora from the transfer stations on a by-weekly basis during this season to prevent the waste from composting prior to being transferred to the yard waste at the landfill. Composting at the transfer stations would have required a major modification to these permits.
Director Troupe suggested that we come up with ideas of additions we would like to see happen at these sites and decide if we wish to do a major modification to the permit in the future. She will discuss options with staff from the MPCA and county Environmental Services Offices.
New Employees
Director Troupe reported that there are three new employees at ECSWC that have been training. The training is going well but is very time consuming. One of these employees filled a new position.
Director Troupe reported that staff has been hauling garbage along with Patnode Trucking and we should be hauling leachate this week. There is also a load of mattresses that we will take to Goodwill in Duluth.
Time Certificates of Deposit
Director Troupe asked for permission to invest $1,000,000 in two $500,000 Time Certificates of Deposit over three years.
Commissioner Halland moved to approve Director Troupe to contact banks for interest rates and the Magic Fund, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
No public comment at this time.
The July Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission offices.
Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hallan moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 a.m., second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Wilder, Recording Secretary