East Central Solid Waste Commission
Commission’s Office – Mora, MN
June 12, 2017
The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on June 12, 2017 at the Commission Office, Mora, MN. Chairman Greene called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Members present at the meeting included: Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Kanabec County Commissioner Dennis McNally, Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan, Isanti County Commissioner Dave Oslund and Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson.
Advisory member present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.
Others also present at the meeting included: Bruce Rehwaldt of Foth Companies, Gene Kramer of Arthur Township, Lisa Thibodeau of Chisago County, VJ Polkus of Ziegler, Dick Roesler of Arthur Township and Barbara Wilder, Recording Secretary.
All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Troupe added discussion to the claims list regarding upcoming bills for the closure and pond project and discussion regarding brown and green glass.
Commissioner McNally moved to approve the amended Agenda, second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner Oslund moved to approve the Meeting Minutes May 8, 2017, second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on the claim for Knife River Corp regarding the concrete sand. Director Troupe responded that it was not concrete sand but washed sand that was purchased.
Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, and the Additional Claims List, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor of paying the Claims List ($224,083.84), Paid Claims List ($346,911.86), and the Additional Claims List ($61,062.17), all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Director Troupe reported that there would be upcoming bills for materials for the closure and pond project and requested approval to pay them. The consensus from the Board was that the bills could wait until next meeting to be paid.
Director Troupe reported that this Agenda Item was remaining on the Agenda for further discussion. The Pine County Board recommended that we look at our pricing for MSW and scale fee.
The first roll-off truck delivered MSW to Hinckley from the MSW collection in Willow River and seems to be going well.
Waste Management removed their boxes last week and the dirt has been scraped and brought to the landfill to use as topsoil for the closure project. This week we will get sand and class five placed for a base for the Pine County Recycling Sheds and get some of the recycling moved so the levels of metal should be reduced in the stormwater samples.
The category “furniture” is being used for two bags of garbage or one single item. The charge is $8.55 + MSW tax making it $10. The estimation for one piece of furniture is 50 pounds for the tonnage report.
Lisa Thibodeau thanked the Commission for having the students from Rush City High School tour the Cambridge Transfer Station and the landfill.
Director Troupe reported for the month ended April 30, 2017 ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $146,837.66. On a cash flow basis for April there is an increase in cash of $137,197.16. Year to date shows an accrual net income of $151,594.18 and a decrease in cash of $95,399.12. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $3,918,965.08.
Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency, and host facility fund total $2,386,699.74.
The funds are invested as follows:
The money market checking account at First Citizens National Bank earns .35%, the CDs earn .73% and 1.1%. Tonnage has increased 2,607.69 tons over 2016 or 7%.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the April 2017 Financial Statement, second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Mr. Dick Roesler requested clarification about the Cash Over/Short for the transfer stations in the amount of $289.31. Director Troupe responded that it was a hauler that pays cash that forgot to pay on the last day of the month.
Director Troupe reported that the Bomag Compactor quit being operational and had anticipated repairs in excess of $29,000. A 2014 CAT Compactor was available through Ziegler and was delivered to the landfill and re-assembled on June 6, 2017. On Thursday, June 8, 2017 it quit working.
Mr. VJ Polkus from Ziegler gave an explanation on why the CAT stopped working and that the replacement part should be here and installed tomorrow.
Commissioner Hallan moved to make a motion to approve the payment of the bill in the amount of $685,000 but to hold the check until ECSWC staff has said that the machine is operational, second by Commissioner McNally, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Horse Composting
Director Troupe reported that she had a discussion with Mr. Dan Vleck from the MPCA about Mr. Peter Karpi’s plan to start an animal compost facility in Brunswick Township. Mr. Vleck suggested that Mr. Karpi talk to Director Troupe about doing horse composting in an ECSWC building.
Director Troupe reported that an occasional animal is acceptable in the landfill but not horse composting in an ECSWC building.
Teresa Gilbertson, MPCA HHW Discussion
Director Troupe reported that she has a meeting June 20th with Teresa Gilbertson from the MPCA to discuss a regional HHW facility here at the landfill. She will bring information on their meeting back to the Board Meeting next month.
Director Troupe reported that she is going to be making a request for additional administrative staff in the upcoming budget. This person will be taking on additional tasks dealing with waste reduction, re-use and recycling.
Green and Brown Glass
Director Troupe reported that she received a call from Mr. Terry Flor from Terry’s Disposal asking if we can take his green and brown glass because his current recycler no longer accepts it.
Ms. Lisa Thibodeau reported that the green and brown glass that will be received is for beneficial use only and not being placed into the landfill.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve Director Troupe to investigate taking green and brown glass for construction activities, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Director Troupe asked the Board if there was any interest in fixing the D6 for $42,000. The general consensus was to sell it for parts.
Mr. Dick Roesler asked Commissioner Hallan if he saw the show on Saturday evening regarding Pine County. Commissioner Hallan responded that he did not see the show but did read about it in the paper.
Mr. VJ Polkus clarified the warranty information on the Compactor.
Mr. Bruce Rehwalt reported that the liner crew for the pond should be here Wednesday or Thursday and the materials for the closure should be here in about 10 days.
The June Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 10, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission offices.
Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner McNally moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:13 a.m., second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Wilder, Recording Secretary