January 13, 2025 Meeting Minutes

East Central Solid Waste Commission

Commission’s Office, Mora, MN


January 13, 2025

The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on January 13, 2025, at East Central Solid Waste Commission Main Office, Mora, MN.  Executive Director Troupe called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members present at the meeting included:  Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Isanti County Commissioner Bill Berg, Kanabec County Commissioner Tom Roeschlein, and Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan via Teams from Pensacola, FL.

Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.

Others present at the meeting included:  Assistant Director John Kellas, ECSWC, Cami Van Able, Foth, Gene Kramer, Arthur Township, Angie Palmer, Resident of Kanabec County, Brandon Palmer, Resident of Kanabec County, Tracy Emerson, ECSWC.


All present said the Pledge of Allegiance


Director Troupe called for nominations for the Chairman position.

Commissioner Hallan nominated Commissioner Greene to the Chairman position, all in favor of Commissioner Greene to the Chairman position, nomination approved.

Chairman Greene called for nominations for Vice Chairman

Commissioner Hallan nominated Commissioner Berg for the Vice Chairman position, all in favor of Commissioner Berg for the Vice Chairman, nomination approved.

Chairman Greene called for nominations for Treasurer.

Commissioner Hallan nominated Commissioner Roeschlein for the Treasurer position, all in favor of Commissioner Roeschlein for the Treasurer, nomination approved.

Chairman Greene called for Confirmation of Official Newspaper – Kanabec Times.  Commissioner Roeschlein moved to approve the Kanabec Times as the Official newspaper, second by Commissioner Berg, all if favor, motion carried (4-0).

Chairman Greene called for Confirmation of Meeting dates, 2nd Monday of each month and Confirmation of Official Depository of funds – First Citizens National Bank. Commissioner Berg moved to approve the meeting dates and Official Depository of funds, second by Commissioner Roeschlein, all in favor, motion carried (4-0)


Commissioner Berg moved to approve the agenda second by Commissioner Roeschlein, all in favor, motion carried (4-0).


Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Meeting Minutes December 2, 2024, second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor, motion carried (4-0).


Commissioner Berg moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, the Additional Claims List, second by Commissioner Roeschlein all in favor of paying the Claims List 32 items ($462,050.18), the additional claims 10 items ($33,461.16), the Paid Claims List from December 23, 2024 and current list 54 items ($648,699.88), Payroll 13 items ($150,323.04), all in favor, motion carried (4-0).


Landfill Expansion Project – Change Orders

Change order #3 – Schedule

Change order #4 Price change due to schedule changes

Ms. Van Able from Foth, stated we need the change orders signed for the changes in the schedule and price changes due to the schedule change and other things that came up.

Commissioner Roeschlein asked if extending the date makes the Commission liable? If the completion date was November and we didn’t close until December, who is liable?

Commissioner Hallan stated we knew and discussed the risks and we made the right choice with stopping until Spring.

Ms. Van Able stated in the spring when we get started, the best case is we need to repair the holes in the liner from the clay testing, worst case is we need to replace the liner.

Commissioner Berg moved to approve the change orders, second by Commissioner Hallan, motion carried (3-1) Commissioner Roeschlein opposed.


For month ended November 30, 2024, the ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $251,615.  On a cash flow basis for the month of November there is a decrease in cash of $670,183.  Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $4,413,834.

Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency and host facility fund total $7,266,603.  Money was transferred from the Landfill Expansion Fund reducing the reserves.

Commissioner Berg moved to approve the November 30, 2024, Financial Statements second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (4-0).


Neighbor Drinking Water

We are paying for reverse osmosis at two neighbors that had high levels of PFAS. We have a neighbor that has high manganese and arsenic. I suggested to the neighbor that they should look at having their well shocked. We do not have any information about their well. I suggest we get the neighbor’s permission to hire an outside vendor to check these wells and provide knowledge of possible solutions.

Brandon and Angie Palmer have had the water tested themselves and we have tested their water a couple times.  We are not even sure if the high levels of manganese and arsenic are caused by the landfill and neither is the MPCA. We do know there is no PFAS is the water.

Director Troupe is requesting we pay for the Palmer’s well to be inspected.

Sustainable Building Grant

Planning is beginning for the building in Cambridge. This will be a 4,000 square foot pole building with 2,000 square feet heated and 2,000 square feet cold storage.  Contractors are required to pay the prevailing wage so that will increase estimated costs. We are currently working on the RFP. The project will be posted in the Kanabec Times and on the website.

2024 Audit

Clifton Larson Allen (CLA) Auditors plan to be working on the 2024 Audit mid-February.

Maintenance Building Heat

We have had some failures with regulators and pipes with our infrared heat that was installed last February.  Staff have been working hard to find the root of the problem but for now we are having new pipes installed and other parts.  We should not need two 1,000-gallon propane tanks to heat the shop.  I could use some advice on what type of heat should be put in the upcoming building in Cambridge.


The February Meeting is scheduled for Monday February 10, 2025, at 9:00 am at the ECSWC main office in Mora.


Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Roeschlein moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:18 am second by Commissioner Berg all in favor, motion carried (4-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Tracy Emerson, Recording Secretary

Posted in News.