East Central Solid Waste Commission
Commission’s Office, Mora MN
October 10, 2022
The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on October 10, 2022 at East Central Solid Waste Commission office. Chairman Greene called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
Members present at the meeting included: Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Isanti County Commissioner Dave Oslund, Kanabec County Commissioner Dennis McNally, Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson, and Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan.
Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.
Others also present at the meeting included: Bruce Rehwaldt from Foth, and Tracy Emerson from ECSWC.
All present said the Pledge of Allegiance
Additions to the Claims, we need a check written to a hauler for an incorrect charge in August of this year.
Commissioner Oslund moved to approved the Agenda and the additions, second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0)
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Meeting Minutes September 12, 2022 second by Commissioner Oslund all in favor, motion carried (5-0)
Commissioner McNally questioned why we have two jetting service companies. Director Troupe explained that Superior Jetting is our main company that does all the lines, and A&A Jetting Service was called to fix an issue we were having.
Commissioner McNally moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, the Additional Claims List, second by Commissioner Peterson all in favor of paying the Claims List 45 items ($249,179.97), the additional claims 20 items ($64,629.60), the Paid Claims List 10 items ($81,910.97), Payroll 13 items ($131,221.76), all in favor, motion carried (5-0)
Director Troupe reported for the month ended August 31, 2022 ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $141,280. On a cash flow basis, for the month of August, there is an increase in cash of $181,450. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $5,121,327.
Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency, closure fund, landfill equipment fund, and host facility fund total $4,846,887. The landfill equipment fund was reduced by the cost of the Bomag compactor purchased in April.
Commissioner Peterson asked if the CAT compactor has been sold yet, Director Troupe stated that it has not been sold, Assistant Director John Kellas would like to keep as a back up to the Bomag. Commissioner Peterson stated the CAT is an expensive back up machine.
Commissioner Hallan would like a report of how much the CAT is used for the next board meeting.
Commissioner McNally moved to approve the August 2022 Financial Statement, second by Commissioner Oslund all in favor, motion carried (5-0)
Review of the 2023 Budget for approval at November Meeting.
The 2023 Budget is based on 110,000 tons MSW being delivered to ECSWC sites.
For wages, we have used a 2.5 percent cost of living increase for the 2023 Table.
Health insurance is increasing $31.01 per month for single coverage; we have 11 employees with that coverage. Family increase is $82.77, currently 4 employees have family coverage. There is a 2.44 dental increase for single, 5.78 increase for family.
We do plan to do a closure of a portion of the landfill in 2023.
We will have the costs for the EAW, being completed by Foth, for the landfill.
We do plan to do some building upgrades to provide for a better service area.
We have an International Truck to be paid for that was ordered in 2021.
The Accrual Budget is showing Income of $8,171,400 and Total Expenses of $7,699,485. The end result is a Net Income of $461,115. The depreciation expense for the year is estimated to be very close to the requested new capital expenditures for the year, $1,340,000.
Brian Sperrazza from Foth and myself met with MPCA Staff. We have proposed to sample three monitoring wells versus twelve wells. We are waiting for a response.
The new Cambridge Scale and the Cambridge Floor are now complete and business is operating as usual.
We are still waiting for a meeting date for a Kick Off Meeting with the MPCA concerning the EAW. Cami and myself have made ourselves available to meet at either a MPCA location or our location. MPCA staff needs to detail the requirements of the EAW prior to work being started.
Hinckley Transfer Station and the Mora Landfill were opened a half hour early daily in the summer; both sites are back to 8AM opening.
2021 Audit
The Letter of Understanding was received from the Office of the State Auditor. We will have a new auditing team this year so that will mean extra time required.
Kanabec Clean Up and HHW
Kanabec County will have these annual events on Saturday October 15, 2022 at the Mora location.
The September Meeting is scheduled for Monday November 14, 2022 at 9:00 am at the ECSWC office in Mora.
Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner McNally moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 AM, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0)
Respectfully submitted,
Tracy Emerson