June 3, 2024 Meeting Minutes

East Central Solid Waste Commission

Commission’s Office, Mora, MN


June 3, 2024

The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on June 3, 2024, at East Central Solid Waste Commission Main Office, Mora, MN. Vice Chairman Hallan called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members present at the meeting included:  Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Isanti County Commissioner Bill Berg, Kanabec County Commissioner Alison Holland, Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson, and Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan.

Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.

Others present at the meeting included:  John Kellas, ECSWC, Cami Van Able, Foth, Tracy Emerson, ECSWC.


All present said the Pledge of Allegiance


Additions to the agenda include addition to Claims, Northern Lines Construction for $110,924.40 as long as all required paperwork is sent in.

Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the agenda with the additions second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Commissioner Holland moved to approve the Meeting Minutes May 13, 2024, second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor of paying the Claims List 36 items ($224,721.32), the Paid Claims List 7 items ($20,743.19), Payroll 14 items ($134,512.95) all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


For the month ended April 30, 2024, the ECSWC realized a net loss on an accrual basis of $185,528. On a cash flow basis for the month of April there is a decrease in cash of $28,640. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $3,017,809.

Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency and host facility fund total $9,589,640.

Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the April 30, 2024, Financial Statements second by Commissioner Holland, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Hinckley Transfer Station Building Repairs

The Hinckley Transfer Station building is in need of repairs.  The walls have been pushed out by the loader when pushing up garbage. We are contacting contractors to get quotes to repair. This will not be an insurance claim due to not having a single event that caused the damage; I already tried an insurance submittal.

Assistant Director Kellas stated we need to add a steel plate along the wall to stop the pressure from the trash from pushing on the wall.

Commissioner Hallan suggested Kraft out of Pine City and Schmidt Construction out of Hinckley.

Pre-Bid Meeting Landfill Construction

We had six attendees besides staff and Cami VanAbel. They seemed comfortable with the timeline for responding to bids. The bids are due June 12 and if all goes well, the Board will award the bid on June 17.

Chisago-Isanti Landfill Commission

The Chisago/Isanti Landfill Commission was going to quitclaim the Cambridge Transfer Station property to ECSWC. I thought this was completed when we purchased the Kenny Olson property, but it appears it was not, so we will need to take care of this.

Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene and Isanti County Commissioner Bill Berg have stated they will investigate this and see how to get it taken care of.

Landfill Fire

On May 18 at 1:30AM, there was a landfill fire and both Mora and Ogilvie Fire Departments responded. Gerrald Nohner and Dexter Robyn, ECSWC staff, ran equipment. The fire reignited so the Fire Departments returned a second time, but staff handled it after that call. I came in every two hours and had to call in Dexter Robyn to put out fire three times. The winds were very high that day – the last fire was at about 6:20PM on Saturday.  I continued monitoring that evening and again Sunday morning.  We also have a driver that lives across by Fish Lake that was watching for smoke.

Commissioner Holland asked if we could put together a news release in the paper about what can and cannot be put in the garbage so the general public will have a better understanding.


The Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday June 17, 2024, at 9:00 am at the ECSWC main office in Mora to award the Phase 7A Contract. July 8, 2024, at 9:00AM next regular Board Meeting.


Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Peterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:45 pm second by Commissioner Hallan all in favor, motion carried (5-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Tracy Emerson, Recording Secretary

Posted in News.